Wednesdays, 6pm - 7pm

@ 413 Lake Ida Rd, Delray Beach FL, 33444

Pack 308

Pack 308

Troop 308


So you want to camp?

Going Camping?

Welcome to Pack 308! Thinking about joining us on a campout, yet have never been, or may want to enhance your outing experience? Here are some great tips to make your outing a little more comfortable! A great rule of thumb is bring only what you're willing to carry up to a mile. Some of our outings, we may not be able to drive our vehicles to the camping spot.

The Cub Scout Six Essentials

  1. First Aid Kit
  2. Flashlight
  3. Sunscreen
  4. Trail Food
  5. Water Bottle
  6. Whistle

Camping Essentials

  1. 4-6 Person Tent
  2. Camping Chair
  3. Sleeping Bag or Light weight blanket
  4. Egg-crate Mat
    Self-inflatable mat
    Air mattress
  5. Travel Pillow
  6. Mess Kit